07-10 February 2025


HORECA 2024 - Exhibitor Testimonials

The level of the exhibition was - as it is every year - very high. The visitors were optimistic and outgoing, and at this year’s event, Greek Brewery Atalantis S.A. presented the new identities for Pils Hellas and for EZA beers.
Alexandros Kritikos / Marketing Director HELLENIC BREWERY OF ATALANTIS SA
We are completely satisfied with the attendance. At HORECA we promote know-how, quality, functionality, and customized solutions. This year we also present our new range of beds and sofa beds. We have already done many trade agreements.
Sofiana Menti / Marketing Director GRECO STROM
We are participating at HORECA since the beginning. It is one of the best exhibitions in the Balkans for professional equipment. It offers prestige to the Greek market by giving emphasis to the customer and to the produced and marketed products. The exhibition "challenges" us to develop new fields in our company.
Kostas Metridis / General Manager METRIDIS PHILOSOPHY - NEOMAGIC
HORECA is very important because is an open house for new audiences. Also we can present our new items. We can have a complete picture of what the customer and the modern accommodation are asking for today. The traffic is satisfactory and the quality of the exhibition’s customers is also high.
Alexandros Tsemperas / Sales Director, KYRPOGLOU PANTELIS SA
Our impressions from this year’s event were excellent. Attendance was high, and the professionals who visited our booth showed genuine interest in our products. This year, at HORECA 2024, Athenian Brewery presented ALFA beer with sea salt and the new cider with grapefruit flavor. We truly commend FORUM for the impeccable organization of this year’s exhibition.
Lazaros Voyatzoglou / Area Activation & Events Manager HELLENIC BREWERY SA
This exhibition is the only one that specializes in hotel and in the field of  mass catering. The attendance was so massive. The overall picture I have of the organization is really good, as always. HORECA has been established in our field as an exhibition for professionals. All the people from our industry come in order to visit it.
Christoforos Tsiapatos / CEO ELETRO SA
We are thoroughly satisfied with our participation in HORECA 2024, and its dynamism was evident from the very first day. The exhibition proved to be upgraded, with attendance breaking all records and the interest of professionals remaining undiminished throughout. HORECA evolves with each passing year, and we observe that each edition surpasses the previous one.
Stylianos Gavos / Commercial Director KOSTOPOULOS HORECA
We have been participating in HORECA for at least ten years. It is an event through which we learn a lot through the exhibition and through the communication with our customers. This year we saw a wide variety of customers. I believe that compared to other years, the contacts we have made are more targeted in the commercial sector.
George Kostianis / CEO PALIRRIA SA
HORECA 2024 was the best HORECA of all time. Professionals from all regions of the country visited our booth, while there was also a large turnout of bakers and pastry chefs. At HORECA 2024, our company also showcased new equipment, including the oil filtration system and industrial machines from fyrex. Taking into the data we have collected so far, the only certainty is that our participation in HORECA 2025 should be considered a given.
Theodora Varanakis / Import department Manager VARANAKIS SA
This is the 4th time that METRO Cash & Carry are participating in HORECA. It is a benchmark for the catering industry. We stand by the professional and consider our presence here as an obligation This year's organization, is more upgraded with better services. The quality of visitors is higher as well.
Vaggelis Takoulas / Operation Manager- Operation General Directorate METRO CASH & CARRY
The overall impression this year’s HORECA is nothing but positive. A multitude of visitors passed through our booth, and I must say that simply the interaction with so many professionals constitute a unique experience. We were very pleased with the organization because we had several constructive discussions and meetings with many of the visitors regarding milk in the context of coffee preparation.
Our participation in HORECA, in an exhibition of worldwide class and interest, gave Kasidis the opportunity to bring out its leading role and character in the field of catering through its products and services. Our team provides integrated solutions to our customers in Greece and abroad. Through this exhibition we had the opportunity to showcase new products
Nikos Kalionis / Sales Manager KASIDIS SA
The exhibition was very crowded throughout its duration. We were pleased to an optimistic atmosphere. Those who come to HORECA are interested in learning about the in coffee making and at the same time enhancing their professional profile. We are always satisfied with this particular and it has absolutely nothing to envy from similar exhibitions abroad.
Christos Zamanakis / Education & Quality Manager KAFEA TERRA
HORECA succeeds in bringing professionals together and it is a place of acquaintance and conciliation. It is very important to participate in this effort because in this way we become better through the results of our presence and the feedback from our visitors. It is also a meeting place for us and our partners.
Lili Alexandraki / Contract and Hotel Business Manager LINEA STROM
The potential of this year’s HORECA was evident from the very first day. The organization was flawless once again this year, and we encountered absolutely no problems. We were impressed by the fact that almost all visitors were professionals from the mass catering industry and showed interest in innovative products and new ideas.
Evangelos Papadimitriou / Sales Director COCA COLA TRIA EPSILON
This is our company’s 9th year participating in HORECA. We are very pleased with the turnout and quite satisfied with the commercial agreements we made during the exhibition. Vikos S.A. continues this year to promote its new glass and aluminum packaging, and HORECA, due to its size and quality, is the perfect event for us in this endeavor.
Irini Konstantopoulou / Corporate & Marketing Technology Manager EPIROTIC BOTTLING INDUSTRY (VIKOS S.A.)

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